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2012 06 28 07.54.02 scaled

Photos from hike on private jungle on property

We have 15 acres of private, untouched, jungle in Las Villas de San Buenas that is available for private hiking by our residents. These photos were taken last week on a hike I was on with our workers. Every hike in the jungle provides a different experience, with different wildlife being seen and heard. The great news is that there is never a bad time to go for a hike. It’s good for the body. Good for the soul. And located inside Las Villas de San Buenas!

2012 06 28 10.19.40 scaled
2012 06 28 10.19.40 scaled
2012 06 28 07.54.22
2012 06 28 07.54.22
2012 06 28 07.54.02 scaled
2012 06 28 07.54.02 scaled
2012 07 3 scaled
2012 07 3 scaled

Costa Rica, jungle, poison dart frog, wildlife