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Message from our Master Planner

Today we have a feature story published again in NewGeography:

This is an important article because it clearly explains why we have not advanced much towards the goal of sustainability.

More important it explains how we can achieve a sustainable future.

As you know by our past communications, we are the only land planning firm that develops new design methods and the automation (technology) to implement these new methods making them practical. We have been involved in the Civil Engineering, Surveying and Mapping software business for over three decades providing us with the experience and history few in this industry (if any) can match.

I can tell you that I have been part of the problem that we face today, as explained in the above link to the article. Until recently, I have developed and produced the very technology that holds the development industry hostage to minimums. It was not until our latest venture, that I had realized we do not need to do things faster, we do not have to teach the use of automated cul-de-sacs that assure monotony… We DO need to teach proper planning techniques and take the time and effort to create wonderful places to live – that is why we developed PPS – to share the knowledge and the technology we used to create Prefurbia, teaching and empowering the worlds land development related fields.

The current issue of Professional Surveying Magazine features the first of a 4 part series on Prefurbia. This is an extensive article series that takes on the perspective of todays professional land surveyors who often design much of our suburban and urban landscape.

Speaking of Professional Land Surveyors: We will be teaching 3.5 hours of continuing education at the 52nd NYSAPLS Annual Conference in January 2011 at the Turning Stone Resort in Verona New York. This class will teach the basics on design in this new era of Prefurbia. Attendees will download PPS from our web site ( onto their laptops and we will be providing course files to them. We are working with other State Organizations to teach similar classes.
Rick Harrison

Costa Rica developments, Sustainable developments