Costa Rica – Away but With a Nice View of the Storm
“I awake every day, jump out of bed to view the mountainside and sigh. It’s so beautiful.”
“Been house sitting a large two-story house with a pool and jacuzzi high up a steep mountain with nothing but rocky dirt roads
“Today being Sunday in a Catholic country that takes its Sabbath seriously, meaning nobody works and few businesses are open.”
“Therefore, with no yardmen or pool guys coming, I said why not, -went swimming sans bathing suit that AM, stayed naked in the sun the rest of the day till around 4:30 PM when I observed storm clouds coming from behind the mountain. They arrived shortly thereafter and proceeded to fall allover paradise for about an hour or so.”
“After showering, putting on shorts and a t-shirt, I sipped coffee and scribbled in my journal from the second story balcony watching the storm as it crept out to the Pacific Ocean where the storm now resides. Too far to hear the thunder but every now and again, a lightening bolt will appear beautiful and crooked, illuminating the horizon, and that’s what I’m experiencing right now as I drop these words, 12/13/2015 – 8pm.”
This is an actual journal entry I wrote while house-sitting the mountain dream house earlier this month here at Las Villas de San Buenas de Osa.
My dear Reader, you understand this experience belongs to you. You may come here alone, with a significant other, or with your family, but you get the idea of the sort of privacy you can enjoy with the luxury to do whatever you desire.
Because Costa RIca is a nature-lovers paradise, from this view you get a mountainous jungle, a valley and a clear vision of the Pacific Ocean.
I swear on my life, watching the nighttime storm in the Pacific Ocean from a dry mountainside second story balcony, was more thrilling than any concert light-show I’ve ever seen. It was the perfect way to encapsulate one of the best and most relaxing days of my life.
Dear Reader, this experience belongs you. Let’s make it happen. This time nest year, it’s yours. Please, you deserve it. Reward yourself, experience it, then carry it with you always. My name is Ezekiel Tyrus. I’m the gatekeeper to paradise. Contact me.
Ezekiel Tyrus. 12/28/2015 [email protected]