Mr Halverson Goes to San Jose to Visit the Costa Rica Congress
Last week my project manager, Hanz Cruz, and I spent an afternoon in San Jose where we

visited the Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa), Costa Rica’s Congressional body. Costa Rica has an unicameral legislative structure (a single chamber. By way of comparison the USA has two – the House of Representatives and the Senate). A member of Congress is called a Deputado (Deputada if a woman) – which translates to ‘Senator’.
Costa Rica has 57 Deputados, who are all elected every four years. Deputados do not have term limits, although they cannot serve consecutive terms. Once a Deputado’s four-year term expires, they must sit out an entire four-year election cycle before they can serve again.
We spent approximately one hour talking with a couple of Deputados. We first met with Deputada Rosibel Madrigal, who represents the region including San Isidro del General/Perez Zeledon areas of San Jose province. Next we met with Gerardo Vargas Rojas who represents the province of Puntarenas.
We discussed tourism, increasing foreign investment and I pushed to know more about the possible international airport in Osa (still being reviewed).
I have always found it beneficial during my career in New Zealand and Australia to meet face-to-face

with government officials to ensure they are aware of our project as well as we are kept abreast of any potential changes. We will continue to meet with officials quarterly.
It was an enjoyable day and everyone we met with was friendly and hospitable. I’ll keep everyone updated on our future visits – and the Southern zone international airport.
Nick Halverson
CEO, Las Villas de San Buenas
Costa Rica, Deputado, Government, Hanz Cruz, Las Villas de San Buenas, Rosibel Ramos Madrigal, San Jose