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Medical Tourism in Costa Rica: Quality Seal of Approval

Tourists coming to Costa Rica, attracted by the medical offers now have the ability to differentiate between the services offered.

That’s because on Wednesday, the Consejo para la Promoción Internacional de la Medicina de Costa Rica (International Council for the Promotion of Medicine Costa Rica) introduced the label called” “ProMED”.

The seal indicates the quality standards required in the United States, providing tourists security for the services they are purchasing.

Hospital CIMA in San Jose, Costa Rica
Hospital CIMA in San Jose, Costa Rica

Companies who want to obtain the label must comply with national and international legislation with a cost ranging from us$400 to us$7.000 annually.

Approximately 14% of Costa Rica’s 2 million+ tourists receive some form of elective medical procedure done while visiting. This new “seal of approval” will help differentiate between health care facilities and should be welcome by medical tourists.

Source:, Nick Halverson and ICT

affordable healthcare, Costa Rica, medical tourism, retirement, travel