Inflation For Last Six Months At All Time Low
June 4, 2009
The cost of living in Costa Rica increased by only 0.62% between December and May, the lowest increase in inflation in the last 32 years of keeping records.
For consumers that means that spending today is almost as equal to six months ago on the 292 items made up of goods and services in the cons…
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Learn to surf in Costa Rica
June 4, 2009
Rise before the sun and slip into your shorts. Down a cup of steaming hot coffee. Grab a board from the rack and hit the road.
You stroll 200 metres of gravel road to emerge from the jungle into nirvana. By now, the sun is up and you gaze out at a stack of head-high peaks with only one question.
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Competition In Internet Service Getting Ready To Begin Operations
June 3, 2009
By: Inside Costa Rica (Original here)
A total of 44 companies are looking forward to giving the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) competition for internet services.
Of the 44 who have expressed an interest, 27 are waiting on the Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Sutel) to issue …
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New management for Juan Santamaría gets final OK
June 3, 2009
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff (Original here)
The nation’s financial watchdog issued its final approval Thursday for a Houston company to take over management of Juan Santamaría airport.
This means that the new manager will invest up to $180 million to improve the airport.
The new manager will be …
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The Village of San Buenas in the news!
June 2, 2009
The Village of San Buenas Launches New Affordable Costa Rica Real Estate Development
One of the newest Costa Rica real estate developments, The Village of San Buenas, has released their new set of housing lots that make owning real estate in Costa Rica affordable for almost anyone who has ever wa…
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Surf Games Held In Costa Rica
June 2, 2009
This year the International Surfing Association (ISA) is hosting the World Surfing Games for the first time in Playa Hermosa in Jacó, Costa Rica. Costa Rica was honored this year to hold these games, beating out Brazil and South Africa.
The world’s best surfers will be attending this competition …
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NBC Premieres Reality Show Live From Costa Rica
June 2, 2009
The stars of “I’m A Celebrity… get me out of here” began their month long adventure in the jungles of Costa Rica, with live and taped episodes airing on NBC’s summer premiere last night.
Last night, NBC aired a 2 hour show and will continue with one hour segments four times a week – Monday to T…
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