Recently I spent ten days in Costa Rica working on various projects. It had been six months since I was there last. I thought you would be interested in what I saw.
Southern Costa Rica continues to make favorable changes while retaining its unique
features of beautiful flora and fauna and a friendly relaxed lifestyle. For example, ten years ago there were only muddy agricultural roads in the area. Now there is a beautiful two lane highway with reflectors making driving safe and easy all day and night.
Rather than having virtually no telephone service and no cell phone service (as was the case until December 15, 2009), internet service is becoming commonplace and it is only a short time before the community of San Buenaventura has internet service.
Instead of an outdated medical facility, the Southern zone of Costa Rica now has one of the newest medical facilities in all of Costa Rica. For photos click here.
New hospital 5 minutes from The Village of San Buenas
Rather than providing sporadic electrical power, a new hydroelectric power plant is being built.
And finally, although no specifics have been announces, rumors continue to float that a new international airport will be built in the southern zone/Osa Peninsula sometime in the relative near future.
The Village of San Buenas
Our Costa Rica real estate development continues to be more impressive on each visit. Our family has built a home about in the middle of the development. The news are spectacular! We see the ocean and mountains, see parakeets, toucans, scarlet macaws and hear the flowing river running through the project along with the howler monkeys that live in the nearby natural preserve (located on the project).
Affordable Costa Rica Living
We are making excelling progress in getting more infrastructure in place. Specifically, we have constructed a bridge over the river that flows through the property. Within the next twelve months we will have a well drilled that will take care of many of our lot owners when they choose to build their home.
We are working closely with the government agencies to have electricity available to everyone in the near future. We hope to have internet service available to select areas of the project by June 2011. Telephone service is expected to be available to select regions of the project by December 2010.
All these things mean that the infrastructure should be in place in a large portion of the development before any lot owner decides to build a house.
Obviously the depressed world economy has had a negative impact on the value of many peoples’ houses and holdings in the stock market. It is very pleasing to note that no such decline has occurred on the value of our lots. Indeed, virtually everyone who purchased a lot has seen its value increase. As we continue to upgrade the project we plan to increase prices.
I encourage you to visit our website,, then contact me directly with any questions you may have. We would love to visit with you about beautiful Costa Rica and The Village of San Buenas.
As a final note, buy your airpland ticket and go see our project – I invite you to stay at our house to view the project. You will love what you see and hear!
Our house in Las Villas de San Buenas (previously The Village of San Buenas) now has satellite TV!!
Installed in my house in San Buenaventura, Costa Rica quickly!
I am one who really enjoys watching the NFL, NCAA Football/basketball and MLB so the last couple of months have been a bit of a struggle since we didn’t have any cable or satellite TV at our house. That problem has now been resolved!!
In fact, I want to give a HUGE “Thank you” to Sky Service in Costa Rica for their QUICK response. I called at noon on August 9th (yesterday) and by 10 am this morning, only 22 hours later, I was watching AXN, ESPN and Fox News from the comfort of my home. There is no way Comcast, Dish or DirecTV would work that fast back in the USA.
Thank you!
These are some photos from the day.
Nick Halverson using SkyTV for first time at house
This is an interesting video from the planners of The Village of San Buenas. If you are interested in learning more about community planning and the company supporting our vision, please watch this video.
It is a cutting edge design philosophy coupled with software to help planners and builders maximize green spaces, views and the enjoyment of the development.