Costa Rica Pejibayes
There is a great fruit stand near the entrance to San Buenaventura, at KM 187 from the Costanera Highway. It is where all sorts of great fruit that is grown in the nearby region. When you buy a villa in the area you will be able to get all kinds of locally grown food. We envision having a local farmers market weekly on the property in the not to distant future. We believe sustainability comes from working together and want to work with local farmers in trading for things they grow with things we grow as well as eating much of what we grow in the community.
The fruit pictured below is a bunch of pejibayes. Pejibayes are boiled and then eaten. They are starchy and similar to a potato. Ticos eat them with mayonnaise flavoured with lemon or plain mayonnaise. When they come into season they are at stands everywhere. You will even see them sold in local sodas ready to eat.
There is a town called Pejibaye not too far from Las Villas De San Buenas where they grow a lot of Pejibayes and ship them around the local region. The homes at Las Villas will be surrounded by fruit trees and other edible landscapes and ornamentals chosen by each individual owner. Park areas will also have various fruit trees and Pejibayes will most likely be one of the fruits grown on the property.

Costa Rica, costa rica culture, Costa Rica real estate, costa rican food, Las Villas de San Buenas, san buenas, San Buenaventura